Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Separation of Church and State

Religion, of any variant, creed or system, should never be allowed to extend its reach and rules into the governing body. America needs to take a serious look at the invasive ways of Judeo-Christian religions.

The fact that people think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and how homosexuals can live based on Biblical grounds is audacious.

I have visited Christianity twice in my life. First when I was a child then again when I was 23, finishing my term in the military. Call the latter moral hiccup a stress induced Christian-coma or what not, its still beyond me given how much of an anti-Christ I was prior and am now.

My "finding Jesus" (barf) eventually brought to prominence my sexuality, which due to the at the time ban of serving openly in the military, was half-closeted, going to fully re-closeted following Christian principles.

Obviously, that major, natural part of me could not be ignored and not surprising of most of the company I kept, was swiftly extirpated from social gatherings and prevented from having my male significant other stay over as dictated by a roommate. At 23 having served my country for 4 years, I wasn't going to allow my freedom's in that house, to which my rent was always paid, be trampled.

So began my long overdue, full revealing from the closet that included the breaking of ties with several friends and the renewing of bonds with others. I received some flack from family, namely my Aunt, whose inncesseant insertion of the Bible in every moral situation finally reached a crescendo with me, leading to a heated argument. Rightfully and with just cause, I did not speak to her for almost a year and still maintain loose contact with her.

Another fallout happened between myself and my elusive biological mother and her Mormon whelps that are my half-siblings. Our falling out was not very tragic given her relative absence when I was growing up and her whiny jabs at my father, who solely raised me, reopened and salted old wounds. It was my brimstone half-brother and his calling me "a thing that mates with its own sex" that put the nail in the coffin. Spilled milk, really.

At this point I have no stomach for any member of any religion's thoughts on who I am. Much of the country is sick to high hell of Christianity's homophobic, misogynistic and racist viewpoints and its honestly baffling how we have let it go on for so long.

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